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Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123 (May 3, 2010): Memorize a poem

I thought I had my poem memorized in the morning and then when I was talking to Ken in the afternoon I tried to tell him my poem and realized that I had forgotten it.......I suck!  It wasn't even that long and I still forgot it.  I am still working on memorizing it though so I haven't given up yet!  Anyway, here it is:

You Win

It’s crazy, but you’re all I want and need;

You win; I’m yours forever; I concede.

By Joanna Fuchs

This is Ken's:
Those who can live without love

Are not ready

For the world of aspiration.

To me, his sounds more like a quote than a poem but it was listed as a short poem, so what do I know!  We had to do this activity separately today because of our work schedules.  I think it is nice that we both picked love poems.


  1. You're doing good with the blogathon, but i think it's gonna get harder to post every single day as the month moves on. Hope you do though because now it's routine for me to check the e-mail then your guys' blog. Can I test both of you to see if you rememeber your poem next time i see you?? LOL!! You've inspired me to create an original work.

    Mere days away until a big hunt
    A solitary bullet will make the bear grunt

    Amidst freezing rain in mountains this sharp
    We laughed at the tent and take only a tarp

    He'll live off the land, I'll Bring Spaghetti
    I'm calling my mom, I don't think i'm ready


  2. Jerod, that poem is awesome!!!! You are a very talented writer. I could never do something like that. Ken is really good at writing poems and stuff too. He actually wanted to write a poem for this project but I said that I would have to do it on a day when I had alot of time because I suck at it. Apparently I suck at memorizing too!
