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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 65 (March 6, 2010): Hard Wood Floors and Telemiracle

Today Ken helped his friend install bamboo hardwood floors.  This is the first time he has ever installed hard wood floors.  He has installed laminate click flooring before but not hardwood.  They got alot of work done today and hopefully they will finish the project tomorrow.

Today I watched the Telemiracle telethon.  For those of you who don't know what telemiracle is here is a quote from their website: "Celebrating 34 years this weekend, Telemiracle raises money to assist people with special needs and those that require assistance accessing medical treatment."  Telemiracle is a Kinsmen fundraising activity in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.  All of the money raised stays in the province of Saskatchewan.  The community that I grew up in, Sturgis,SK, is very dedicated to this cause.  We have our own radio-a-thon every year, called Mini-miracle.  This year was the 30th annual Mini-miracle in Sturgis. As a child I did fundraising and our elementary school sang at Mini-miracle every year.  They still do now.  My family and I always donate money to this cause.  My brother is a Kinsmen member and he helps with the fundraising efforts. So, as you can see, this is a cause that is deep rooted in my community and family history.  In fact, while I was watching the telethon today I saw my cousin, Cheryl Walker, answering phones.  CTV is doing a live stream to the internet so eventhough I am in Edmonton, AB, I am able to watch Telemiracle this year.  For those of you who read this over the next few hours if you want to watch Telemiracle the link is:  If you are interested in seeing the presentation from my home town, Sturgis, it will be done between noon and 2pm Central Standard Time tomorrow.  I would also really appreciate it if any of our blog readers would donate to this cause. Unfortunately, there have been families from my community who have needed to access this money for medical treatment for their children, so this is really close to home for me.


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