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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 173 (June 22,2010): "Making a scene: Landscapes Then and Now"

Tonight we went to the U of A for a free lecture on landscape photographers. It was really interesting. The person who was giving the talk (Maria Whiteman) is a professor in the Fine Arts department there. She discussed her favourite landscape photographers from around the world, what she enjoys about their photos and how they inspired her. She also showed some of her work. She used a slide show to do the presentation. The talk was actually really inspiring for both Ken and I. We left there thinking about what our next “photo project” should be……not that we are even photographers or anything. She did mention in her talk though that she thinks all people are photographers and that we should not be intimidated by it. That gave me a bit more confidence. She showed us some really cool pictures that she took with a 3 megapixel camera which also made me think that I could do more with my camera. Some of the photos that I enjoyed the most were the ones that documented the change in the landscape when industry comes into an area. It made me think of the rail yard that we mentioned last week when we went to the City of Edmonton’s community consultation. Perhaps one day we will go take some photos before they get started on all of the changes. Anyway, here are some photos by the photographers that she highlighted that I got off the net.

Bernd and Hilla Becher from Dusseldorf, Germany:

I really liked alot of their collections.

Andreas Gursky from Leipzig Germany:

Allan Sekula from Erie, Pennsylvania:

Thomas Struth from Gelden, Germany:

People viewing art.

Jeff Wall from Vancouver, Canada:

This is actually the photographer and his wife in a staged photo.

Edward Burtynsky from St. Catherines, Ontario:  His photos were some of my favourite. He documents environmental impact.

These are the nickel tailings ponds by Sudbury Ontario.

Alberta Oilsands

Sally Mann from Lexington, Virgina:

She photographed her family alot and they were often controversial photos.

Catherine Wagner from San Francisco, California

Last but certainly not least I thought I would include a photo by the person who gave the lecture, Maria Whiteman.  I could only find one of her recent ones.  It is a picture of dog's paw.  She is really interested in photographing animals right now and is doing a collection on taxidermy but I couldn't find any of those photos online. Also, she showed us some really cool landscape photos that she took in Ontario but I couldn't find any of those online either.

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