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Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 158 (June 7, 2010): Applying for a part time job

The other day when we were researching for our blog we came across the Edmonton Sport and Social Club. Bascially they organize lots of Rec. sports like dodgeball, floor hockey, flag football etc. We were thinking of joining a team but didn't know if it would work with our schedules and our commitment to the 365 day project.  We have also been talking alot lately about trying to supplement our income with a part time or casual job in an area of interest in our lives.  I had considered a book store or something like that.  Anyway, while we were looking at the ESSC website we noticed that they have part time/casual positions that are open on their Promo Team.  The job mostly consists of setting up tables at events etc. and letting people know about the recreational activities that they have.  Anyway, we decided to just go for it and apply.  I am a little bit nervous about getting turned down. One reason is that I see myself as a professional and I am proud of my career, it would be kind of a slap in the face to get turned down for an entry level position like this.  Another reason that I am nervous about this is because I think they might be looking for younger people.  However, I do think that we would be great for these positions.  We are both very interested in sport and fitness.  I use recreation in my career to engage youth so I know how important it is.  And Ken is in the process of going back to school to become a personal trainer so this would be a good start for him.  Also, the flexibility of the position would work great for our lives.  Anyway, this was our BIG step today.  It is totally something different for us.  Hopefully it works out in our favour!

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