Here are some photos of my journey:
This is the view leaving my house and walking north towards Saskatchewan Drive.
I wandered down Saskatchewan drive and "surprise", I ended up at our community garden, one of my favourite places.
The beautiful tulips and Iris'
The white fabric is over one of our plots. We have spinach, radishes, onions, turnips, beets and lettuce growing under there.
This is the view of our other plot. So far we just have corn growing under the fabric. On the right hand side where the empty space is we are going to plant our tomatoes but they are still growing in our house.
Just a view of a few people's plots.
This plot belongs to an elderly gentlemen who gardens with us. He always has such nice lettuce. He gives us a couple of plants every year. He saves his seeds from year to year.
This is a flower bed on Saskatchewan drive, overlooking the river valley and downtown. I was walking on the opposite side of the street so I didn't get a close up picture but it was still pretty.
My last major stop on my walk was "End of Rail Park". This is one of those little gems in our community that we sort of take for granted. We usually just walk past it but don't spend much time in it.
You used to be able to go in this caboose but then some people started living in it. They started a fire in it and damaged it. I believe it was the Stratcona Parks and Playground Redevelopment Society that restored it and now it is boarded up but it looks great!
Ken's Journey:
I was a little worried when Mel had told me that we were going to go for an aimless walk for I usually have somewhere to go and I have not gone for an aimless walk in a long time. It turned out really well and I would like to go for one every day.
So I walked out the door and went north on 100 st. and ended up going by the school and turning right down this alley just after 85th ave.
Next I walked down the ally and stopped and smelled some lilacs.
Then I was behind a school and there was a magpie hanging out on a bike. I wish I had bought that slingshot!
I really enjoyed this. It was only about 10 minutes long but it was really great.
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