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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59 (Feb.28, 2010): Gym

Today I went to the gym with Ken. I don't have a membership to his gym so that was my "different" thing for the day. It was nice to go to the gym to add some variety to my workout. I usually work out at home which includes going on my treadmill and doing some type of strength exercises with my dumbells, exercise ball or pilates. However, I don't really like Ken's gym. He is actually going to leave that gym and go to a different one soon. I just don't like it because some of the equipment is getting kind of old and it is a bit dingy. The elliptical that I went on was almost falling apart.

Ken's "different" thing today was that he tried to leg press 1000 lbs.........I know, that is crazy hey? He actually did it but he had to push a bit on his legs with his hands to complete it. Here is the video.

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