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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 6 (January 6, 2010): Chapters

Today we decided to go to our neighborhood Chapters store. We don't usually "go out" during the week. In order to make this happen we had to quickly make our lunches for work tomorrow and eat an early dinner. Ken gets up at 5am to go to the gym every morning so he needs to be in bed early Monday - Friday. I am happy that we made the effort to get out and spend some time together doing something that we enjoy. We both looked at alot of books and I bought two. I bought one for a gift for someone (I can't say on here who it was for or I will ruin the surprise) and one for myself. I bought the third book by Frank McCourt in the Angela's Ashes series. If you have not read these books you should. His writing style is amazing (he writes like a kid thinks, you have to read the books to see what that means) and the stories are gripping. Also, they are autobiographies which to me, makes them even more interesting. Ken looked for some of the books in the series that he is reading by Bernard Cornwell (these were suggested to him by our Aussie friend Shawn) but they didn't have the one that he wanted. He also looked at some body building books. We had a few laughs togther looking at a book about how to be Canadian and some camping and gardening books. All in all it was a nice evening out.


  1. Which ones you up to Ken?

    I've just picked up The Burning Land - the latest in the series based on the times of Alfred the Great when the settled Saxons in England are fighting off the invading Danes.

  2. I have sword song but I couldn't get into it because at that time I didn't have the first book yet. They didn't have it at the book store. I'm going to start over soon when I get the first book.
