Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Day 26 (January 26, 2010): Couples Communication
1) Are there any areas of our life that you changed your thoughts on since we got married?
2) Do you think that your partner makes enough of an effort to be romantic?
3)Where would you like to take your next vacation?
4)What do you like best about our life?
5)What is your biggest concern for our future?
6)What is your favorite memory of our relationship?
7)What part of your partner's personality are you most attracted to?
8)Do you feel that you can share your feelings/thoughts openly with your partner?
9)Do you believe in a higher power?
10)How many kids would you like to have?
Mel's Answers:
1)I don't think there is much that I changed my thoughts on since we got married but there are things that I changed my thoughts on since I met Ken. For example: I am a very independent person. I used to like to take care of myself and I actually prided myself in that. I am still an independent thinker and a strong willed person but I like being nurtured by Ken. I like that he opens doors for me and won't let me carry many groceries. 5 years ago I would have been offended by that!
2)Ken is probably one of the most romantic people that I have ever met. He has written songs about me, wrote me poems, buys me flowers and cards regularly, is very thoughtful about gifts etc. I am very lucky to have a husband like him. I am afraid though about his answer to this question because I am not very romantic! By the way, he just bought me my favourite flowers last week:)
3)A couple of things come to mind. 1. I would love to go snorkelling again and possibly take up scuba diving so somewhere tropical would be good. With that in mind we have cousins in Australia so that would be fun. 2. I would love to see an NFL game so anywhere with an NFL team!
4)I like that we appreciate the same things about our life. I like that we both help with cooking and cleaning so it gets done faster and we can relax together. I like that we both like a simple, quiet life. We support each other through everything and that makes our life enjoyable and easy. Life is better with Ken than it was without him and that makes me happy.
6)So many to choose from: Walking down the aisle with my parents and seeing him waiting for me at the front is definitely one. Also, our camping trips.
One of my favorite memories though is when Ken ate the Birds Eye Pepper on one of our first dates at "Pad Thai". I've told that story many times so I'm sure most people who read this blog will know what I'm talking about.
7)I really admire Ken's "energy"....I don't mean the fact that he can run around and not get tired. I mean his "presence". He has a really positive energy about him. He makes people feel at ease when they spend time with him. He can meet new people and they instantly like him.
9)Yup.....I don't know what it is but I definitely believe in something.
10)This is interesting. Before I met Ken I swore that I wouldn't have kids. Now that we are together I could see myself having kids with him. I would only like 1 or maybe 2.
Ken's Answers:
1. I have changed many areas of my life since we got married. I am now healthier and am food conscious alot of the time (still workin on that). I have become more communicative with not just my wife but with more people (still in progress....). I have become more family oriented than I was before. I am now reading books rather than the sports page and magazines.
2. Yes I think my partner makes an honest effort to be romantic by asking to go for walks and have small things to do like going to the book store and making nice meals for me.
3. I would like to take my next vacation in a remote forest area for a solid week at least, where there is only my wife and I and a canoe, some fishing gear and the rifles with a tent.
4. The best part of our life is being able to spend so much time with one person and miss them when you are away from them.
5. My biggest concern with our future is living in a place where we spend the next 30 years paying off a house and debts because of our social requirements and needs.
6. When we first met and we went out for supper and I ate the hot thai food for the first time. When we got back to the house you sat on the chair that my brother brought in from outside and I sat at your feat as we told Lloyd about the dinner.
7. I am most attracted to the motherness of my partners personality. How she always wants to take care of me and make sure that I have enough food and if I remembered everything.
8. I do share most of my thoughts with my wife unless I forget them.
9. I am lost about the higher power thing. I do not believe in a higer power but i would like to believe in Norwiegen mythology.
10. If we are to have kids I would like 2.
OMG, I just read Ken's answers and I think it is so cool that we both had the same "favourite memory"!!!!!
Good Night Everyone!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Day 25 (January 25, 2010): Newspaper Article Review
Mel's thoughts: I have followed this story since it happened. I feel really awful for the family that it happened to. I think that the situation on that reserve is out of control. I get frustrated when I hear of yet another youth who gets their trust money and blows it on a crazy drinking/drug binge. I would like to hear about a youth from Samson who used that money in a positive way. I know there have to be some but we never hear about it. The second thing that really annoys me about this article is we don't hear about anything happening to his wife who was driving the vehicle when he shot the gun at that house. I would like to know what became of her. I understand that they have a child together so I'm not suggesting that she be put in jail and for the child to not have a parent at home but I would like to see some sort of consequence for her. She obviously knew what was going to happen. Lastly, I would like to mention that I don't think the people in those communities (Wetaskiwin, Hobbema, Samson etc.) are doing enough to be pro-active with their youth. Their talk of opening a youth centre is great but there needs to be more than that. Who is reaching out to these kids before they get their trust money and teaching them about future planning, finances etc.???
I have a WHOLE lot more that I could say about this article but I will stop there (I didn't mention anything about his sentencing, the young offenders sentencing, the fact that there were probably gang members in Asia's house etc.). Ken just asked me if I am "writing an essay", lol!
Ken's Thoughts: dun dun dun haha
Well, what happens to kids when they sign big music contracts or sport contracts and are not supported by their mother and father to make sure that the money is put to good use? It is spent on sex drugs and rock and roll. Then they go out and screw around because they are not being looked after their whole life. The reserve claims to look after their own but they do not. The other issue with this article is the one about preserving native american or aboriginal heritage like they are some sort of relic. Instead of encouraging them to grow with financial means and payouts. They need to be living like the rest of born canadians and paying taxes and the rest of it, rather than being handed money and allowed to spend it as they see fit. We can not expect to have our native heritage remembered well if we do not make it a memory soon because the children of this heritage are beginning to become restless as they should.
Mel again..: Ken and I just read each other's thoughts and found it intersting that we had similar thoughts about the money education part.
Lastly I just want to remind everyone that we are still looking for ideas of things to do. I just discovered that we missed the Oilers skills competition on Sunday and it was cheap to get in.....I'm sure it would have been better than the Pet Expo, blah! So, please, if you hear of anything going on or if you think of something we can do please let us know!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 24 (January 24, 2010): Edmonton Pet EXPO
Day 23 (January 23, 2010): Edmonton Rush Lacrosse
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day 22 (January 22, 2010): Snack food review
Verdict: Mel- If I wasn't on a low sodium diet I might eat them again, if they were on sale.
Ken-I wouldn't buy them again but if someone else did I would eat them.
Day 21 (January 21, 2010): Dinner at Brewsters
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 20 (January 20, 2010): River Valley Walk
As you can see here the pics of the skyline didn't really turn out.
Day 19 (January 19, 2010): Cat Training!!!
When I got home from work Ken and Oden came upstairs and we decided to "train" Thor, our kitten to get used to the harness. We thought that he wouldn't like it, similar to how Oden first reacted. We were wrong. He didn't even care that it was on him. He just ran around the house like a maniac like he always does! Now I guess we will have to buy another harness so we can take Thor outside with Oden.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 18 (January 18, 2010): Visiting with our cousins from Down Under
This was Ken's first time meeting his Aussie cousins! Ken went out to Auntie and Uncle's earlier than I did because I had to work until 7:30:( They all had dinner together. I ate when I got there. We all visited together around the table for awhile then Ken played darts and crokinole with Shae and Leise while I visited with Nicole and Auntie. It was so wonderful to see them again. Shae-Lynn and Annaleise are so big and grown up now. I wish we could see them more often. I hope that the next time they come to visit Peter can join them. As we were leaving Uncle Lawrence took some pictures. Hopefully I will get ahold of them and be able to post some on here.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 17 (January 17, 2010): Ice on Whyte Festival
Tonight we went with Ken's brother and his girlfriend to the Ice on Whyte Festival. I have gone to this festival a few years in a row now. I think that the sculptures get better every year. Some of them were a bit melty this year because the weather has been really warm here. It was only -2 degrees celsius tonight.
This year there were two big ice slides and one smaller one for kids. That is an improvement. Last year I went with my 5 year old (at the time) niece and she went on the only slide that they had and it scared the crap out of her and she hurt her arm because it banged on the sidewall of the slide. They also had LED lights in alot of the sculptures this year.
Here are some pics from the festival.
Day 16 (January 16, 2010): Rockin' Out!!
By the way the "Huge Fakers" have shows coming up at the Palace Casino and The Crown and Anchor. Also, they are opening for Default this summer at the Edson ball tournament. If you are into live music they are really fun to watch. You can contact me if you want to know more about their upcoming shows. I can get the info for you, melstrand_5@hotmail.com
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 15 (January 15, 2010): Movie Night
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 14 (Jan. 14 2010):letter
Day 13 (January 13, 2010): Olympic Torch and Theatre
After seeing the torch we headed to the theatre. The play was hillarious. Here is a bit of a description that I copied from the Citadel website: "In the midst of a record drought, the wells on the Seventh Line are drying up. A search to locate a new source of water on Wingfield Farm ensues, but distractions abound: a high-tech cattle drive, a battle with ground bees, a feud with a red-tailed hawk, an eccentric line-up of water witches and a well-driller who's only too happy to perforate the ground at forty dollars a foot. Is it the end of farming for Walt and Maggie, or can the precious liquid be found?" What this description doesn't explain is that the play is a "one man show". The actor was hillarious and played all of the characters brillantly. I would totally recommend this show! Ken and I laughed through the entire performance.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 12 (January 12, 2010): Coffee with friends
In the evening while I was at work Ken went for coffee with a friend of his. His buddy is moving to the maritimes so it will probably be the last time he sees him for awhile. It was nice that they had an opportunity to visit before he moves away.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Day 11 (January 11, 2010): Fish, Fish, Fish!!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 10 (January 10, 2010): ordered seeds for garden
Day 9 (January 9,1010): Family (and friends) Game Night!
We were up so late that even Thor, our kitten was tired out. He had a nap in the Scattergories box.
Yay, the girls win the game!!!!
What can I say about this? It cracks me up!!
This is Premo's "eyes closed" drawing of tablespoon. I can't believe that Ken knew that was a spoon!
This is Ken's sculpture of Madusa. Premo didn't guess this one in time.
Premo hard at work on his Unicorn. I couldn't believe that Ken figured this one out. He smashed the horn on it at the end and Ken guessed it right away.
My "bounced cheque" is on the left. Premo's is on the right. The girls win this "club cranium"!! Yay!
Premo politely reminds Audrey that she needs to read the card before she closes her eyes to draw the picture, lol. From now on we called this her "game face".
This is Ken's "tree hugger".
Poor Heather had to get "zero gravity" for sherades. We didn't get this one but the ladies did win Cranium.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 8 (January 8, 2010): The joy of giving
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 7 (January 7, 2010): Tea and Cake
Day 6 (January 6, 2010): Chapters
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 5 (January 5, 2010): World Juniors
Day 4 (January 4th, 2010): The Forks in Winnipeg
Day 3 (January 3, 1010): Hornepayne
Day 2 (January 2, 2010): New Food
Day 1 (January 1, 2010): Board Games and Booze
Today we are nearing the end of our Christmas vacation in Ontario. We have been travelling around Ontario visiting Ken's family since Dec.23rd. We are now in Levack, ON (close to Sudbury) and are at Ken's Dad (Jean) and Step-Mom's (Colleen) house. We got the board game Taboo for Christmas from Ken's sister so we decided to try it out. This was Ken's first time playing the game. We played it with Jean and Colleen and had alot of laughs! I also tried Strawberry Sambuca for the first time today. It was interesting. It starts out tasting like strawberry and then tastes like licorice, yummy!
Day 1 complete!