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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 182 (July 1, 2010): Happy Canada Day!!

Today Mel and I went to Sherwood Park for Canada Day and attempted to eat at a free pancake breakfast but the line up was approximately 700m long so we decided to go out for breakfast instead. We went tothe  Road King truckstop for an awesome buffet breakfast. It was really good and I ate a lot. We then came into Old Strathcona (the community we live in) and walked over to where the annual Silly Summer Parade was passing by. There were a lot of cool floats and participants.  Mel will write about the pictures since she took them:

Look at all the people on the sidewalks and boulevards.

We had a great view of the parade because we were on the corner.  We could see this view to our left and the previous picture was straight in front of us.  We got to see the floats coming, then turn the corner right in front of us and the go down the other street.

The guy in the passenger seat is wearing a beaver costume, lol.


Strathcona Seniors Association

Same organization as the last one.

Cute doggies.  They all had little booties on.  This one is hard to see them in because his booties are the same colour as his fur.

I liked the tree in the back of the truck with the paper maple leafs.

It says, "Maple Syrup, Hippity Hop, Drink it down and Bubble alot".  I not exactly sure what that means.

Brazillian culture

Brazillian dancers.  They were awesome. They can really move their hips.  It gave me inspiration for my Zumba fitness class, lol.

I can't remember what this organization was but I liked the guy with the snow shovel.  The band was good too.

These guys were raising awareness about donating blood.  They had some great cheers that they were chanting.

I loved the big "Mr. Mugs" dogs.  Did any of our followers ever read those stories in school when they were really young?  Our "readers" in grade 1 were about Mr. Mugs.

Punjabi Cultural Association of Alberta.  The children were dancing.  They were cute but it looked like they had a hard time standing up on the float. I was a bit concerned that some of them might fall off.

Edmonton River Valley Segway tours. They looked really fun to ride.

This was a cheerleading troup.  I can't remember the name of the organization but they were really good.  When they got further down the street they threw one girl so high that her legs hit the trees.

He was just tossing her back and forth like she was a feather.

This was a float about some kind of halloween festival.  See the fake arm sticking out of the back door?  This car had wicked hydraulics.  Moments after it left I realized that I should have taken a video of it.  Darn!

This dog was so cute.  It just sat there all patient watching the parade.  It was not bothered at all by the people or noise.  Lots of little kids came to pet it and it was really patient and gentle.  The only time it moved was when it saw other animals and then it got up and walked towards them to visit but it didn't bark or anything.  So cute!!

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